Chickpea and Carrot Spread

  • Makes 4 servings, 4

What you'll need

  • 1 medium carrot

  • ¼ cup chickpeas

  • 1 tsp olive oil

  • 5-6 leaves of cilantro

  • 2 slices whole grain toast

How to make it

  1. Place carrot in a steamer basket on stove-top and cook until you can pierce with a fork.
  2. While cooking carrot, drain and rinse chickpeas from can.
  3. Place the carrot, chickpeas, olive oil and cilantro leaves into a food processor and blend for about 30-45 seconds.
  4. If your baby is older and can chew well, spread onto ‘finger toast’*. Otherwise, spoon-feed to your baby.

*To make finger toast: Toast whole grain bread and slice into long strips.

9+ months

Always check with your child’s doctor first if you have any questions about introducing new foods and textures.