How to Manage Heartburn during Pregnancy


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What should I know about dealing with heartburn while pregnant?

  • When and why heartburn occurs during pregnancy

  • Nutritional tips to help minimize and prevent heartburn

  • Tips to help manage heartburn

During pregnancy, you’re likely to experience new-to-you side effects of growing a baby and all of the hormonal changes that come along with it. One of those common side effects, experienced by up to 50% of pregnant women, is heartburn.1,2

Despite its name, heartburn actually has nothing to do with the heart but rather is a burning pain in the chest or throat caused by acid reflux.3

What are symptoms of heartburn during pregnancy?

You may experience all or some of the following reflux symptoms:

  • Burning or pain in your chest

  • Burping frequently

  • Feeling full or bloated

  • Pain with swallowing

  • Bringing up food (regurgitation)

  • Burning in your throat3,4,5

Why does heartburn occur during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, fluctuating hormones, especially progesterone, can cause the valve between the stomach and esophagus to relax, allowing digested food and stomach acid to regurgitate back up into the esophagus.2,6

This acid reflux causes a burning sensation in the chest, thus the name “heartburn.”

Pregnancy hormones also slow down the muscles of the digestive tract which can make heartburn worse, potentially leading to indigestion, gas, bloating, and constipation.7,8 As if this wasn’t enough, your growing baby may change the position of your stomach, which can alter the angle of your digestive organs, further exacerbating the problem.9

Read more: 6 Tips to Help Manage Prenatal and Postpartum Constipation

When will I experience pregnancy heartburn?

Heartburn can start as early as the first trimester but is more common during the late second and third trimesters.6 This is due to your growing baby crowding the stomach and pushing stomach acid upward into the esophagus thanks to the weaker valve between the two.6,7

Read more: Which Nutrients do I Need during Pregnancy?

How can I prevent heartburn during pregnancy?

While every woman is different, hopefully at least one of the below strategies may help improve your heartburn symptoms.

  • Avoid trigger foods. Everyone reacts to foods differently, but common heartburn triggers are fried or high fat foods, acidic foods like citrus and tomatoes, caffeine, and spicy foods.1,713

  • Reduce the size of meals and instead eat smaller meals more often.1

  • Remain upright for a bit after eating and elevate the head of the bed when lying down.7,10

  • Take your prenatal vitamins with meals and not on an empty stomach.11

Need help with heartburn-friendly meal and snack ideas during pregnancy? Come chat with our team of registered dietitian nutritionists, fellow moms, and lactation specialists, available from Monday – Friday 8 am – 6 pm (ET). Chat now!

Extra tips to help prevent heartburn during pregnancy

Fortunately, heartburn typically resolves as soon as your baby is born. Here are steps you can take to help minimize it in the meantime.

Sip water

Some women find sipping water helps to dilute stomach acid and wash away its burning effect.

Read more: Tips for Staying Hydrated while Pregnant and Breastfeeding

Try drinking milk

Dairy such as yogurt or milk may provide some temporary relief of symptoms. In fact, one study showed that high intake of dietary calcium may help reduce the risk of reflux.12 Since fat for some people may make reflux symptoms worse, consider trying fat free or low fat milk.13

Read more: Why does Calcium Matter for Babies, Tots, and Mama?

Speak with your doctor before taking antacid medication

While your doctor may approve certain antacids that are safe during pregnancy, it is important to monitor the amount you consume.6,10

Pregnant women are advised to get 1000mg calcium per day from diet and prenatal vitamins,14 but if you’re also frequently taking calcium-containing antacids, it could mean you’re getting too much calcium. Too much calcium may lead to painful kidney stones, and even may affect your baby.6,15

Be sure to talk to your healthcare provider before taking antacids.

Nothing helping? Chat with your doctor about medications

If you find the heartburn unmanageable during pregnancy and no remedies are helping, or your symptoms don’t resolve after pregnancy, be sure to discuss this with your healthcare provider.

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We know parenting often means sleepless nights, stressful days, and countless questions and confusion, and we want to support you in your feeding journey and beyond.

Our Happy Experts are a team of lactation consultants and registered dietitian nutritionists certified in infant and maternal nutrition – and they’re all moms, too, which means they’ve been there and seen that. They’re here to help on our free, live chat platform Monday - Friday 8am-6pm (ET). Chat Now!

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For more on this topic check out the following articles:

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How much Weight Should I Gain during Pregnancy?

Nutritious Snack Ideas during Pregnancy

How Much Should I Eat While Pregnant?
